Point Of View Want Ad
Similar to a Point of View (POV) Madlib, a POV Want Ad reframes a design challenge and translates it into an actionable problem statement using a playful format. The POV Want Ad highlights a specific user and embeds the user, his or her need, and any insight about their POV into a want ad format.
Download Activity Worksheet
What to do
- Create groups of 2-6 people.
- Define a design challenge a particular point of view would have.
- Have the groups write the descriptive characteristics of a user. For example, “a high energy teenager.”
- Follow the description with the word “seeks.” For example, “a high energy teenager seeks…”
- Complete the ad with the insights about the user’s point of view. For example, “a high energy teenager seeks awesome social network for managing their type 1 diabetes. Interests should include issues of societal importance (e.g. how much parents suck and why being a vegetarian is a good thing). Willingness to IM constantly during the school year is a MUST.”
- Once groups have an actionable problem statement, the statement can be used to start identifying solutions to the challenge.
- What was it like to try to understand another’s point of view?
- By defining the user’s need and a surprising insight about them, did it help you to better understand and articulate the problem?
- How might you use a POV Want Ad in your day-to-day work in health care?